Remote learning? Remote tutoring! I’m here to help!

Now ~ I am still tutoring in-person (with a mask!) in my community but am hoping to reach out to even more students due to our current circumstances. In general, students are becoming more comfortable connecting with others remotely in a videoconferencing format. I have been tutoring in that format for many years already. I tutor all of my summer school students remotely, and I have continued tutoring many of my high school students who have left for college via remote methods as well. Please feel free to contact me at for more details (scheduling, cost, how I conduct each session, etc)

Then ~ My blog in 2015-2016 mirrored my real life tutoring sessions. I picked the most frequently asked questions and shared my best teaching strategies on this blog as my real life students and I made our way through the 2015-2016 school year. My hope was to be able to reach more students than I ever could through my average in-person work day. You can even read through those older posts and view the videos I created to get an overall feel for my teaching style!

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