Talk about down to the wire…my Veteran’s Day ended up being filled with 10 hours of tutoring so I’m just now able to get to this post! I hope you all enjoyed your day off if you had one. My own daughter was pretty unhappy with me since I told her all week that she had today off of school, but she didn’t! Woops!
Anyway, let’s get these videos posted. My regular Advanced Algebra Trig students are still doing the chapter on quadratics so I decided to do a few examples of completing the square. I also included my own advice on which method you should use to solve each type of quadratic. I think that’s one of the hardest things about this chapter…all of the problems start to look the same after awhile and it’s difficult to know what to do for each. This video will help, and I will do even more with quadratics next Wednesday too.
My honors Advanced Algebra Trig students are getting to the very end of the chapter on rational equations. One of the final sections is on solving rational equations (getting an LCD is a huge part of this). Here is the video with a few examples…
Goodnight and here’s to a great tomorrow!